
Engineering Insurance and Inspection

Engineering inspections of plant and machinery is essential to ensure the safety of employees and the general public and help meet the statutory requirements for workplaces in the UK.

Inspection insurance will cover certain types of plant and machinery for such as sudden and unforeseen damages. These will also include breakdown of electrical plant, lifting equipment and explosion of pressurised plant. Additional covers are also available in respect of surrounding property, storage tanks and goods lifted.

To discuss your detailed insurance needs, speak to our friendly specialists by calling 01772 555576, sending an email, or completing our web form.
Engineering Inspection At A Glance
• Are you aware of your duty to periodically inspect equipment?
• Non-inspections could leave you vulnerable to regulatory action or criminal prosecution
• Engineering inspection contracts could also generate wider business benefits

Key legislations
• LOLER – Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations
• COSHH – Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations
• PUWER – Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations
• HASAWA – Health and Safety at Work Act
• EAWR – Electricity at Work Regulations
• PSSR – Pressure Systems Safety Regulations

Contact Details

Unit 6a, Edward VII Quay, Navigation Way, PR2 2YF

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Garratts Insurance Brokers Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (Reference Number 300659). Registered in England & Wales with number 04384194. Registered office: 7th Floor, Corn Exchange, 55 Mark Lane, London, EC3R 7NE